Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adult Learner Programs is Revamping Parenting Programs

Adult Learner Programs and its contributors are revamping the Parenting Programs. Our Parenting Programs goals are to:
  • Work with campus and community to develop a comprehensive parenting program
  • Provide a layered structure offering campus parents information, support, and interaction through programs every during the Fall and
    Spring semesters
  • Implement technology to provide Facebook and internet forums for consistent, broader exposure to campus parents and/or interested students, staff, or faculty
  • Provide parenting support magazines and information in the Lifelong Learning Center
  • Provide an annual student parent childcare subsidy lottery
  • Increase input from campus parents through an informal student parent advisory group
As we plan for another semester of parenting programing, what are some topics that would interest you as a parent? Join the conversation by either posting a comment on the blog or emailing Adult Learner Programs at  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Positive Parenting Strategies

Fall 2011 Positive Parenting Strategies Series
On October 18th, Rethinking Time Management was presented by Dr. John Isenhour, Chief Technology Officer and Information Systems Architect at Kennesaw State University. Dr. Isenhour discussed different strategies to minimize stress. If students do not learn how to balance their many roles effectively (such as parenting, academics, and career), then their significant relationships will suffering.
On November 1st, Talking with Your Children about Sensitive Issues was presented by Lori Scheck of the Health, Physical Education, and Sport Sciences Department. A highlight from the session was being able to speak honestly to children regardless of age.
Check the Adult Learner Program website for updates of Spring 2012 Positive Parenting Strategies events

Monday, September 26, 2011

Facebook Workshop and Cyberbullying

Adult Learner Programs will host an event on Facebook discussing strategies to avoid cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when people harass, demean, and forcible intimidate people using the internet and social media websites. As the world becomes more entrenched with information technology, people are finding new and improved ways to establish communication in a flattening world.
Unfortunately, along with the improvements to social media comes the increase of new ways of expanding bullying. Last year the news was ripe with stories about teens and children taking their lives because of cyberbullying. Statistics show that over the last five years there has been an increase of cyberbullying amongst adolescents. This issue has been catapulted to the national media attention as people look for solutions to cyberbullying. Last year, the nation was shocked as a Rutgers college student committed suicide due to the acts of two alleged students releasing a video-taped sexual encounter on Twitter.
As a part of Adult Learner Programs/Lifelong Learning Center Workshop Series, Brent Obleton of the Multicultural Student Retention Services will conduct a workshop titled “Facebook: Not Just for Social Networking” on October 13th at 4:00 p.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center. Crucial to the discussion is how cyberbullying has changed the way we deal with social networking sites and solutions to combat the threat of cyberbullying. Information at this workshop can be used to educate your children and others about the dangers of cyberbullying.
Additionally, the workshop is slated to include discussions about starting a profile and making fan pages for business/organizational purposes, and learning about free advertising.
So come join us for a fun and informative event. To register for this event and other ALP/LLC events please visit our website at
By Nicole Simmons
Adult Learner Programs
Lifelong Learning Center

Friday, September 9, 2011

Check Out this Parenting Website:

Need some parenting advice in a flash? Check out this parenting website: This interactive website gives you advice on children, activities, babies, food, shopping, fertility, and more.

In the mean and in between time, please check out this ol' school music video from the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How do you balance parenting with your other roles?

One question a student asked me today is "How do you balance parenting with your other roles?" Such as work, school, social life, etc. That question is perhaps one of the most difficult to answer, and I have to give the old college professor answer, "It depends."

But of course that is not what we want to hear! As capable modern individuals we want a quick fix or an ultimate truth to help us discover the answers to our most pertinent questions. So what is the answer?

Feel free to post discussion questions of what you feel. What do you think the secret to balancing parenting, school, and whatever roles you have. You can give us your sage-like advice or you can share your own balancing-act stories.

What are some topics that would interest parents?

The staff of Adult Learner Programs/Lifelong Learning Center is interested in what you have to say about the future of parenting programs at Kennesaw State University. Adult Learner Programs strives to foster an environment where campus parents can grow and thrive. We want campus parents to feel at home as we facilitate programs that will support adult learner students in their multiple roles of parent, spouse, partner, and caregiver.

So what are topics that interest you? Post here so we can better assist your needs in the future. For example, are you interested in:
1. More social media outlets to discuss parenting,
2. Topics about physical health and wellness of children,
3. Topics about cultural awareness,
and etc. The list can go on, so please join the discussion.

Below is a link to a KSU Parenting Survey. Please fill this quick survey out in order to provide us with feedback.

Nicole Simmons
Adult Learner Programs
Lifelong Learning Center
Kennesaw State University

New KSU Parenting Blog!

Welcome to the new Adult Learner Parenting Programs at KSU blog page. This blog is dedicated to discussing parenting issues that concerns the Kennesaw State University community. We will have parenting discussions, information, and advise from professionals in the child development field and qualified KSU faculty and staff members that know a thing or two about parenting. Feel free to check out this blog frequently for updates on parenting programs or to weigh in on the discussions.