The staff of Adult Learner Programs/Lifelong Learning Center is interested in what you have to say about the future of parenting programs at Kennesaw State University. Adult Learner Programs strives to foster an environment where campus parents can grow and thrive. We want campus parents to feel at home as we facilitate programs that will support adult learner students in their multiple roles of parent, spouse, partner, and caregiver.
So what are topics that interest you? Post here so we can better assist your needs in the future. For example, are you interested in:
1. More social media outlets to discuss parenting,
2. Topics about physical health and wellness of children,
3. Topics about cultural awareness,
and etc. The list can go on, so please join the discussion.
Below is a link to a KSU Parenting Survey. Please fill this quick survey out in order to provide us with feedback.
Nicole Simmons
Adult Learner Programs
Lifelong Learning Center
Kennesaw State University