Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adult Learner Programs is Revamping Parenting Programs

Adult Learner Programs and its contributors are revamping the Parenting Programs. Our Parenting Programs goals are to:
  • Work with campus and community to develop a comprehensive parenting program
  • Provide a layered structure offering campus parents information, support, and interaction through programs every during the Fall and
    Spring semesters
  • Implement technology to provide Facebook and internet forums for consistent, broader exposure to campus parents and/or interested students, staff, or faculty
  • Provide parenting support magazines and information in the Lifelong Learning Center
  • Provide an annual student parent childcare subsidy lottery
  • Increase input from campus parents through an informal student parent advisory group
As we plan for another semester of parenting programing, what are some topics that would interest you as a parent? Join the conversation by either posting a comment on the blog or emailing Adult Learner Programs at